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Answering Questions When Your Property Is On The Market

New Zealand and Canterbury is sometimes called a village, and we all can agree that it can sometimes be a very small place! I am sure you have experienced that good old fashioned ‘six degrees of separation’ factor where someone we knew also knew someone else.

When your property goes onto the market you will undoubtedly attract the attention of family, friends and neighbours. You may be asked unexpected questions, therefore it’s a good idea to consider questions and possible responses so that you are well equipped to reply.

When your property is on the market it’s important that you are on the same page as your agent so that you are both delivering the same information.

Real Life Example: One of our vendors was hanging out the washing and her neighbour enquired about her price expectations for the property to which the vendor replied with her dream price. This price was discussed between neighbours and a potential buyer heard the information and did not put in an offer, considering the price expectation to be too high. We contacted the potential buyer and obtained a fair price for the property.

Here are some questions and answers that might be worth considering:

How much do you want for your home?

Correct Answer: We are looking forward to market feedback on a fair price for our property and negotiating with our buyers.

Incorrect Answer: We hope to get $XX OR We would love to get $$ OR We need $XX

Logic: Don’t communicate price expectations, or mention your dream price as you don’t know who might hear it and pass it on.

How is the marketing going?

Correct Answer: Really good, our open homes are going well and our agents are talking to buyers about the home. We look forward to moving on.

Incorrect Answer: The open homes have been a bit slow and no one is interested OR fantastic, we have had busy open homes and there are so many people interested.

Logic: Some buyers won’t engage with a listing if they think there are lots of people wanting it and may not come to an open home or make an offer. If someone thinks that there is no one interested then they are more likely to put in a cheeky offer. At the end of the day we are the best ones to manage the process as we are trained to spot genuine interested parties, but also experience has taught us how to manage the listing to your best advantage.

Why has the house not sold yet?

Correct Answer: No one has fallen in love with our house yet but our agent has it under control and we are not concerned.

Incorrect Answer: We had an offer, but it was too low OR we have had no offers yet.

Logic: You never know why they are asking. You do not want to scare them off!

Can I come and have a look?

Correct Answer: Sure, give my agent a call, they are happy to make a time for you. Best if you deal with them direct.

Incorrect Answer: Sure, let me show you around.

Logic: If you refer the buyer to us we can manage the situation and ensure all the specific disclosures are made and you are protected.

My “relative/friend” is looking for a home like yours, can they come to have a look?

Correct Answer: Sure, give my agent a call, they are happy to make a time for you. Best if you deal with them direct.

Incorrect Answer: Sure, let's show them around.

Logic: Again, we manage the process and are able to handle the listing. It also saves you an awkward situation and we are more likely to get the buyers true feedback from the viewing.


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Bayleys Christchurch

Whalan and Partners Ltd

3 Deans Avenue, Christchurch

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